On this page, you will find links to the discussion questions that go along with the readings. Please answer the questions as thoughtfully as possible, after reading the lectures. Then post your answers on the Message Board by the deadline (the due dates are on the DQ pages and on the Class Schedule). A well thought out answer will probably be two or three meaty paragraphs (250-350 words on average).
Each set of discussion questions is worth a possible 20 points.
Other online students will be submitting their answers to the Message Board as well; you should read them. I encourage you to respond to anyone's answers. This process will serve as a class discussion, and allow you to see other students' perceptions and interpretations. In fact, in order to get the full 20 points, you MUST respond thoughtfully to at least 3 or 4 other people's postings.
Respond thoughtfully to several other postings. Just saying "I agree" or "I disagree" does not constitute a thoughtful response. Add to the discussion with very specific, concrete examples (some from the texts, some from personal experience); it's also a good idea to ask questions which will further the discussion.
There are some much more detailed instructions about how to get the best scores on your Discussion Questions on the Canvas Discussion Board.
We will be using the Canvas Discussion Board for this class. Click on the link below to get to the LACCD portal, sign in, and then click on the link for Canvas in the right column. This will take you to the Canvas dashboard. From there, click on the square with the name of our class. Once you've entered the class, you will find the "Discussions" link on the left side of the screen:
NOTE: try the Message Board ASAP! It's a good idea to bookmark the page. If you have any trouble, please contact me by e-mail or by phone so that we can work out the problem.
Discussion question answers are due BEFORE MIDNIGHT on the dates when they are scheduled. Your responses to other people's answers are due before midnight on the following night. For example, if Discussion Question 1 is due on Monday, June 14, then your responses to other people's answers must be posted by midnight on Tuesday night, June 15.
Late answers will receive 0 points, so be sure to get them in on time.
Points will be assigned according to the thoughtfulness of your answers and responses, not by whether they are "right" or not, since sometimes there is no "right" answer. Just be sure your ideas are supported by the material in the readings.
By the way, whenever you see this symbol--
--you can click on it and be transported to more information on the author.